Claim time testimony ...Having enjoyed a lifetime of good health, I was shocked that something like this could happen to me...
1st visit to Canada ...During my first visit to Canada, with an excited feeling to learn more about Canada's culture, I met...
Evergreen College
....Evergreen College is a well-established Career College approved by Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities......
During my first visit to Canada, with an excited feeling to learn more about Canada's culture, I met up with a misfortune. I had an asthma attack due to weather changes. I was hospitalized and received treatments from the hospital in Canada for a month, spending over CD $26,000.
At first, I wouldn't think that I could have met up with any misfortunes, thus not buying any of the medical insurance available before travelling. If I knew I would met up with an accident, I would have bought a Travel Insurance policy and to have it ready always with me wherever I go, anytime and anywhere. Anyway, it wouldn't be an accident if it could be well-predicted. No one can guarantees the future.
The policy which has attractive benefits and coverages could either reduce or eliminate some or all of my medical expenses.Therefore, by buying Travel Insurance Policy, I could have saved myself from spending this huge amount of medical expenses. So, be aware that it's always beneficial to actually buy a Travel Insurance Policy before travelling or studying abroad.
Currently, TISI with its on-line website application centre, it could help you speed up your application process. Just browse through TISI's website regarding the different benefits and coverages and apply now!
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